
Kidnapped by Vampires 2

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DragionKira's avatar

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"Get her out of the damn house now." is what woke me up. The room was completely dark except for a little slice of light coming through the partially opened door where i could see three male figures huddled in a circle deciding what to do with me. I took a guess and decided the third who i hadn't seen yet had opened the door, saw me here, and didn't like it.

I tried to move my hands but they were both tied together and then to the bedpost on the right side. My ankles were tied together also by another tight rope, almost cutting off my circulation.

I didn't know whether to let them know i was awake, or fake being asleep. They might already know i'm awake, maybe thats why they got quieter in their arguement. But that was knocked out when the same one who'd blown up earlier got loud again.

"I will not have such a risk in this house! I don't know about you but i don't want to wake up with a stake sticking out of my chest." he said angrily. His voice was husky, cold, and had an edge to it like i did when in bad situations.

"Well technically you wouldn't wake up if you had a stake in your chest. But i agree full-heartedly; lets kill her. Make some use of her." the one who'd initially attacked me agreed with the other. I felt cold dread sink into my chest;; it was two against one. He would have to agree with them somehow.

"The only reason you want her dead, Nathan, is because she looks like your beloved Cordelia. Your dead beloved Cordelia." Nickolas said to the new one in a tone that said he was making a warning and reminding him of something at the same time.

"Can we stop arguing and just kill her?" Kristopher shot out in annoyance. God he really wanted me dead for killing that demon sister of his!

"You've already taken enough blood from her, Kristopher. She was almost dead when i got there and she's still very pale." Nickolas said haltingly. I heard two snorts that came out at the same time.

"Coming from the man who thinks he has to save everyone." Kristopher said jeeringly.

"She's been awake a while now, i say we go entertain her." Nathan interupted before the two of them could start arguing over anything. The door opened fully and he switched on the lights before stepping inside and leaning against the bedpost at the front to look down at me. Kristopher took a chair behind me on the other side of the bed, and Nickolas sat beside me on the bed.

This had been a fantasy of mine. Three hot vampires surrounding me. But i wasn't annoyed in my fantasy and neither were they. Nickolas didn't look a bit annoyed or put out, he looked amused. Nathan looked very angry, most likely because the danger i put him in and the worries that i would try to kill him. Kristopher looked very annoyed, definitely because he hadn't got to finish me off yet.

"I heard that you killed Laurane." Nickolas said in a cheerful tone. He looked over at Kristopher for a split second to recieve an icy glare before looking back into my face. "She was one of the strongest demons in this area, how'd you do it?" he asked curiously, and he actually seemed excited that she was gone now.

"I stuck two bewitched daggers in her chest.." I said distractedly. My eyes kept roaming back to the vampire at the foot of the bed named Nathan. He was keeping an eye on me heavily with distaste and coldness. I looked back over at Nickolas and swallowed nervously even though i was pleased i could swallow at all with this huge knot in my throat.

"See? How do we know she doesn't have any more of these bewitched items on her?" Nathan shot out, taking advantage of the situation of Lauranes murder. I knew i didn't have any of my 'bewitched items' on me. I wasn't even wearing my trenchcoat anymore.

"Because i stripped her of every weapon she could have possibly had." Kristopher announced proudly.

"Oh," Nickolas breathed, looking slightly taken back, "We all know how good you are at that." he said in a growling type of voice. I looked between the two uncomfortably. Nathan's eyes were still on me unmoving, and now even Kristopher was literally glaring at me. The only one so far who seemed to be on my side at all was Nickolas. The subject was switched to me again.

"How do you feel? Any..unnatural pain?" Nickolas inquired. I thought about it a minute. It felt like my bones were ripping apart, and the wound itself was continuously burning.

"Nothing important. What are you going to do to me?" i blurted out. I didn't care about the not so nice pain i was going through, all i cared about was getting away from these three and surviving. Like i had been thinking ever since i experienced the pain of being bitten by a vampire: My fantasies were crashing down on me faster than i would have ever expected. Yes, they were gorgeous like my fantasies expressed them;; but they weren't the same.

"We're going to kill you." Kristopher said calmly, a smirk in place on his face. I shuddered, i knew exactly how he wanted to kill me.

"No we're not!" Nickolas rejected instantly, but before he could continue Nathan stepped into the discussion.

"We're going to get rid of you." Nathan coldly said. I looked into his eyes a few moments before looking over at Nickolas to see if this was true. If it was, and they were just going to dump me somewhere, everything would be fine.

"We're not getting rid of her. She stays here. She stays alive. If we let her go she'll tell all about this and we'll all be dead." Nickolas explained. He was staying calm through this like he knew in the end he would win but he couldn't blame me if i didn't have that much faith in him. He was outnumbered two to one. So the next thing said by Nathan shocked me.

"Fine, i'll agree with Nickolas. But if she tries to kill me, tries to escape, tries to get into my business, she's dead." he said curtly in his usual cold tones before leaving the room completely. I bit my bottom lip, they weren't going to kill me they were just going to keep me as a pet. What if they decided to feed on me whenever they wanted to?

"I know when i'm outnumbered." Kristopher said, standing up slowly to stretch. When Nickolas looked the other way for a moment when he aparently heard something i didn't, Kristopher whispered, "Watch your back, princess." under his breath before leaving. A chill went down my back, but Nickolas didn't notice as he looked back at me.

"I know this isn't what you wanted." he said softly. He looked like he was fighting the urge to brush the hair out of my eyes and that made me uncomfortable;; maybe he was the vampire i would have to worry about most. When i didn't say anything he went on.

"I'll do my best to give you an ideal lifestyle. You'll have whatever you need." he murmered. Was he serious? Why was he being so nice to me when i had been at so many wars where we only killed his kind? I had been the one to lead soldiers into battle time and time before;; why was he acting like he cared?

"My fiance and my parents will be looking for me.." I choked out, having no other way to reply to him. I wanted him to let me go, i would beg if i knew that was the one way to make him let me go home. I wasn't scared really, just very uncomfortable. I was wary; two of them wanted to kill me after all. This time he actually did brush some long hair behind my ear and he smiled at me sympathetically.

"And do you think they'll actually be able to find you? Do you think your fiance actually cares if he finds you?" he asked carefully.

"No.. No on both of them." i said so quietly that if he didn't have extra sensitive hearing he wouldn't have been able to hear me. I laid my head back on the pillow it had been on when i woke up and just stared forward. Tears were gathering in my eyes, begging to fall. I never faced anything that would make me sad or mad. I never acknowledged it. And now i was about to cry in front of a vampire who most likely thought i was a weakling anyway.

And randomly he stood up and walked to the door, flipped off the light, and closed the door behind him as he went into the hallway; leaving me in complete darkness, feeling totally naked to the world.
The second part of my vampire story.
© 2007 - 2024 DragionKira
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Laineyfantasy's avatar
ooh i realy like this story, im a budding writer as well and totally think your story rocks, especially with two sexy vampires!